Ajankohtaisia EU-tuettuja vapaaehtoispaikkoja Euroopassa
Haluaisitko lähteä 6-12 kuukaudeksi johonkin toiseen Euroopan maahan ja työskentelemään vapaaehtoisena yleishyödyllisessä organisaatiossa esimerkiksi viestintätehtävissä, kulttuurin, harrastustoiminnan tai nuorisotyön parissa? Tarjolla on usein myös lyhyempiä Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen vapaaehtoistiimejä.
Lue lisää Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukoista Euroopan nuorisoportaalin sivuilta.
Kenelle? Euroopan Solidaarisuusjoukot on ohjelma, joka sopii kaikille 18-30 -vuotiaille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita oppimaan ja toimimaan vapaaehtoisena paikallisen yhteisön hyväksi toisessa Euroopan maassa. Vapaaehtoistyötehtäviin ei vaadita erityistaitoja tai koulutusta, mutta omia tietoja ja taitoja pääsee yleensä hyödyntämään. Euroopan Unionin tukema ohjelma on erinomainen mahdollisuus lähteä toiseen Euroopan maahan hankkimaan työkokemusta, kielitaitoa ja saamaan uusia kokemuksia. Ohjelmaan kuuluu majoitus, ruoka, matkatuki, taskuraha, vakuutus, kieliopetusta sekä valmennus ennen lähtöä ja jakson aikana. Ohjelman kesto on yleensä 2-12 kuukautta, suurin osa vapaaehtoispaikoista haluaa vapaaehtoisen 6-12 kuukauddeksi.
Euroopan Solidaarisuusjoukkojen lyhytkestoiset (alle 2 kuukautta) yksilöprojektit on tarkoitettu nuorille, joilla on erityistä tukea oikeuttavia haasteita kuten.terveysongelmat, oppimisvaikeudet, vähemmistöryhmään kuuluminen ja/tai taloudelliset, sosiaaliset tai maantieteelliset haasteet. Yleensä noin kaksi viikkoa kestävät Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen vapaaehtoistiimit ovat sen sijaan avoimia kaikille 18-30 -vuotiaille, myös aiemmin Euroopan solidaarisuujoukkoihin osallistuneille.
Annamme mielellämme lisätietoja, puh. 044 416 5209 (myös Whatsapp)
Näin löydät mielenkiintoisia vapaaehtoispaikkoja
Voit etsiä vapaaehtoispaikkoja suoraan seuraavien partnerijärjestöjemme sivuilla:
Belgia: CBB
Itävalta: Melange
Portugali: Associação Spin
Ranska: Solidarités Jeunesses
Slovakia: Inex
Viro: EstYES
Voit löytää avoimia ESC-paikkoja myös tästä Facebook-ryhmästä.
Voit tutustua Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukot -ohjelmaan tarkemmin tästä.

List of open projects, click to read more!
- ESC opportunities in Sicily, Italy, from April 2025, deadline 17.03
- VJF, Berlin, 15/04/2025 - 30/11/2025, deadline 21.03
- Open Your Eyes, Slovakia, April 2026 - December 2025, deadline ASAP
- Youth House of Ciney, Belgium, July 2025 - June 2026, deadline 23.03
- SPW projects, Poland, September 2025 - August 2026
- WELT.RÄUME Montessorischule, Germany, February 2025 - February 2026, deadline ASAP
- The Actors Space, Spain, March 2025 – September 2025, deadline 10.02
- Ijgd, Germany, Start in March 2025 duration 12 months, deadline ASAP
- ACT for community, Romania, April 2025 - September 2025, deadline ASAP
- Path's Museum, Catalan Pyrenees, 01.05.2025 - 30.9.2025, deadline 14.02
- Wohnheim St. Martin, Austria, 01.05.2025 - 31.03.2026, deadline 16.02
- Baseballschule Wien Team, Austria, 01.05.2025 - 31.03.2026, deadline 16.02
- AWO Stuttgart, Germany, June 2025 – June 2026, deadline 24.02
Call for Volunteers: Join the Waves of Solidarity Project in Šibenik!
Are you passionate about youth work, community engagement, and personal growth?
We are looking for two long-term volunteers to join the Waves of Solidarity project in Šibenik, Croatia, through the European Solidarity Corps (ESC)!
📍 Location: Šibenik, Croatia
📅 Duration: June 2, 2025 – June 1, 2026 (12 months)
🌟 What You'll Do:
🔹 Promote quality leisure activities for young people
🔹 Support youth initiatives at the Šibenik Youth Center & Eurodesk office
🔹 Create content for social media & the organization’s website
🔹 Organize workshops and events to encourage volunteering
🔹 Collaborate with local schools and educational institutions
👥 Who Can Apply?
✅ Aged 18-30
✅ Motivated to contribute to youth work and volunteering
✅ Open to learning and teamwork
✅ No prior experience needed—just enthusiasm!
✨ Why Join?
This fully funded ESC opportunity is a unique chance for non-formal learning, skill-building, and cultural exchange!
📩 Apply now or reach out for more details:
📧 giovanna.la.gala@mladi-eu.hr | matej.matic@mladi-eu.hr
Volunteer Opportunities in Belgium
📍 Fedasil Rixensart, Rixensart, Belgium
Located 25 km from Brussels, Fedasil Rixensart is a reception center that hosts up to 220 residents, including 40 unaccompanied minors. The center provides essential services such as social support, medical care, school assistance, and leisure activities.
Volunteer Tasks:
🔹 Support children and teenagers in their schooling
🔹 Organize leisure activities (social & cultural) for residents
🔹 Engage in community awareness initiatives about asylum seekers
🔹 Work with both children and adults
Practical Information:
🏠 Volunteers will share an apartment
🚆 Travelcard provided for transport to nearby cities (~30 km from Rixensart)
💰 Monthly allowance for food & pocket money
📚 Participation in two ESC seminars (on-arrival & mid-term)
🎓 Additional training on asylum policy & psychosocial aspects
🗣️ Opportunity to attend French lessons if needed
Apply via this link, https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/opportunity/44774_fr
7. Altérez-Vous – An Alternative Social Café
📍 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Altérez-Vous is a non-profit cooperative café that serves as a space for meeting, sharing, and raising awareness about social issues. It promotes friendly atmosphere, responsible consumption, and community engagement through cultural activities and events.
Volunteer Tasks:
🎭 Help organize & promote cultural activities (thematic nights, concerts, exhibitions, intercultural events)
📸 Manage social media promotion (Facebook, photography, etc.)
🎨 Develop new event concepts
🌍 Raise awareness of societal issues through events & workshops
🍃 Support sustainable consumption by assisting in sourcing local, organic, and fair-trade products
Apply via this link ,https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/opportunity/44773_fr
Open Call for ESC Volunteers in Lithuania
1. SOS Children's Village in Vilnius
📍 Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
📅 Dates: 10 June 2025 – 10 June 2026
👤 Volunteers needed: 1
📝 Application deadline: 26 March 2025
📧 Apply via email: egle.saltes@gmail.com
About the project: SOS Family Strengthening Program supports disadvantaged families at risk of separation by helping them build their capacity to care for their children. The SOS Children's Village aims to ensure that children grow up in a safe family environment. The volunteer will support the Day Care Centre, where children from socially vulnerable backgrounds receive help with homework, engage in activities, and attend cooking lessons. Psychological support is also provided when needed.
Accommodation, food, and transport:
- Volunteers will stay in a rented apartment with a private room.
- Monthly allowance (food and pocket money) provided.
- Monthly public transport ticket included.
Participant profile:
- Motivated to work with children and families in need.
- Willing to engage in educational and recreational activities.
- Open-minded, empathetic, and proactive.
2. Kindergarten "Mamos delne"
📍 Location: Lithuania
📅 Dates: 30 May 2025 – 30 May 2026
👤 Volunteers needed: 1
📝 Application deadline: 26 March 2025
📧 Apply via email: egle.saltes@gmail.com
About the project: The kindergarten provides early childhood education for children aged 1 to 6. The volunteer will assist teachers in organizing activities, workshops, and events while also having the opportunity to implement their own ideas and projects.
Accommodation, food, and transport:
- Shared apartment with other volunteers, private room provided.
- Monthly allowance (food and pocket money) included.
- Public transport ticket covered.
Participant profile:
- Enthusiastic about working with young children.
- Creative, patient, and eager to support children's development.
3. Primary School "Patirčių slėnis" in Trakai
📍 Location: Trakai, Lithuania
📅 Dates: 30 April 2025 – 30 April 2026
👤 Volunteers needed: 1
📝 Application deadline: 26 March 2025
📧 Apply via email: egle.saltes@gmail.com
About the project: The school offers primary education for children aged 7-11. The volunteer will assist in educational activities, outdoor excursions, and creative projects. Volunteers can also contribute their skills in music, art, or mathematics to support students and teachers.
Accommodation, food, and transport:
- Shared apartment with other volunteers in Trakai, private room provided.
- Monthly allowance (food and pocket money) included.
Participant profile:
- Open to learning and self-development.
- Enjoys working with children in a dynamic and innovative learning environment.
- Good communication skills and a proactive approach.
4. Kindergarten "Little Ones Academy"
📍 Location: Lithuania
📅 Dates: 30 April 2025 – 30 April 2026
👤 Volunteers needed: 1
📝 Application deadline: 28 March 2025
📧 Apply via email: egle.saltes@gmail.com
About the project: "Little Ones Academy" is a modern, innovative kindergarten based on child-centered education principles. The volunteer will assist in implementing experiential learning activities, creative workshops, and supporting children's social and emotional development. The kindergarten follows various educational methods such as Reggio Emilia, sustainability education, and play-based learning.
Accommodation, food, and transport:
- Private room in a shared apartment with other volunteers.
- Monthly allowance (food and pocket money) provided.
Participant profile:
- Passionate about early childhood education.
- Creative and willing to contribute to innovative learning approaches.
- Open to working with children of different cultural backgrounds.
📢 How to Apply: If you're interested in any of these opportunities, send your CV and motivation letter to egle.saltes@gmail.com by the specified deadline. Please mention the name of the hosting organization in your application.
ESC opportunities in Sicily (Italy) from April 2025
"A New Hope: Volunteering in Caritas' Social Centre", 2 volunteers for 10 months starting from April 2025. Location: Sant'Agata di Militello.
This position involves engaging in solidarity activities aimed at promoting volunteering and supporting people with fewer opportunities. Volunteers will take part in food and clothing distribution, the organization of solidarity events, and orientation and support activities for young people.
“Promoting Volunteering and Youth Participation”, 1 volunteer for 5 months starting from the end of April/May 2025. Location: Palermo.
This position involves work in office but not only; the volunteer would also have to help organise and lead short-term projects, select participants, implement workshops with use of non-formal education, support other volunteers during their projects/stays in Italy, etc.
"Sport and recreational activities with kids " , 1 volunteer for 5 months starting from the end of April/May 2025. Location: Palermo.
The volunteer will support the staff in the implementation of after-school educational activities for kids (support with homework, English or French language workshops through non-formal methodologies), recreational and creative workshops (guitar lessons, dance lessons, theatre, drawing, manipulation of raw materials etc) and sport activities.
Deadline and applications: The deadline for applications is on Monday, 17th of March. Applications should be submitted using the different forms indicated on the EU Youth Portal.
Attached you can find the infopacks of each opportunity.
VJF, Berlin, 15/04/2025 - 30/11/2025
About the organisation: Vereinigung junger Freiwilliger .e.V is a German NGO engaged on the topic of volunteering work.
Tasks: You and a second volunteer will be supporting the workcamps as camp leaders during the season. Between the workcamps you will support VJF's office in Berlin with different tasks as coordination, documentation, promotion, and evaluation of the running projects.
Volunteer profile: Experience in social media activities, office experience and volunteer or workcamp experience would be an advantage. Good English skills, German basic level would be an asset.
Location and dates: House outside of Berlin located in a forested area.
How to apply and deadline: Apply here, deadline is on the 21st of March.
Open Your Eyes, Slovakia, April 2025 - 31.12.2025
About the organisation: INEX Slovakia organizes educational activities and engaging programs for kids, youth, seniors, and people with disabilities.
Tasks: Help the organization with organizing free time activities for kids, youth, seniors, and for people with disabilities. During summer be a co-leader of international voluntary workcamps. Create your own workshop as an INEX Messenger, visiting schools and workcamps, other institutions. Help the training team with trainings for the leaders of international voluntary workcamps, focusing on promotion of volunteering through various social media.
Location and dates: Bratislava, Slovakia, April 2025 - 31.12.2025, beginning might be flexible.
How to apply and deadline: Apply ASAP by filling in the questionnaire on this page and send your CV to esc@inex.sk.
Youth House of Ciney, Belgium, July 2025 - June 2026
About the organisation: La Maison des Jeunes de Ciney gives youngsters from 12 to 26 opportunities to engage in social, cultural and artistic activities to encourage them becoming responsible citizens who participate actively in society.
Tasks: During summer, you will co-organise summer camps like theatre workshops or sport activities. After summer you will be invited to join a wide range of regular activities such as: engaging in weekly workshops on the topics of your interest, in school visits, excursions; hold a welcome space for youngsters who want to hang out after school and support the rest of the team in office work.
Volunteer profile: You are interested in hanging out with youngsters and are able to give copy of certificate of good conduct related to the work with minors before starting the activity. Basic French knowledge is a plus.
Location and dates: Ciney, Belgium - From 1st July 2025 to 30th June 2026
How to apply: You can find more information about the project and on the application procedure here. The deadline for applying is the 23rd of March.
ESC opportunities in Germany
Solawi Stralsund, Germany, 3-8 months between now and October 2025
About the organisation:
A small local German-Spanish family business running a community-supported agriculture project. Located near the Baltic Sea coast, 30 km North of Greifswald, in a very small village. Ingo and Katy, who run the farm, are both passionate about agriculture and social work.
- Hands-on outdoor tasks related to gardening and agriculture.
- Involvement in taking care of animals.
- Outdoor work, which can be in rain and wind.
Other info:
Volunteers should enjoy nature, animals, and outdoor work. This is an ideal position for someone looking for an active, peaceful, countryside experience. It is also a great opportunity for those who appreciate a calm and quiet atmosphere.
How to apply and deadline:
Applications should be sent via the application form here: https://turbina-pomerania.org/en/apply
Deadline: Open, until the summer.
Link to the opportunity on the EU Youth Portal
Kabutze, Germany, 01.04.2025 – 31.08.2025
About the organisation:
Kabutze is an open, non-commercial sewing workspace located in Greifswald. It offers self-help hours, workshops, and educational events focusing on sustainable development, and engages with the social and ecological effects of the clothing industry.
- Help in managing the workspace and assisting during workshops.
- Participation in activities related to sewing and handicrafts.
Other info:
Volunteers should have an interest in sewing, handicrafts, and/or the social and ecological impacts of the fashion industry. Basic German skills or prior experience in sewing are ideal but not mandatory.
How to apply and deadline:
Applications should be sent via the application form here: https://turbina-pomerania.org/en/apply
Deadline: Open until 31.08.2025.
Link to the opportunity on the EU Youth Portal
verquer, Germany, as soon as possible – 31.08.2025
About the organisation:
verquer is a non-formal education project based in Greifswald. They offer various educational activities such as workshops on global justice and social transformation, and organize a podcast "VeRa" on similar topics. They also run activities for children and organize a summer camp for migrant and refugee kids.
- Work on educational projects, workshops, and activities on global justice and social transformation.
- Support in running the "VeRa" podcast and other activities for children.
Other info:
Volunteers should have an interest in global justice, social transformation, and youth education. The position involves a creative and dynamic environment with opportunities to work in different educational formats.
How to apply and deadline:
Applications should be sent via the application form here: https://turbina-pomerania.org/en/apply
Deadline: Application possible until 16.02.2025.
SPW projects, Poland, September 2025 - August 2026
About the organisation: Stowarzyszenie Promocji Wolontariatu (SPW) is an NGO founded in 1993 whose principal activities are related with organizing International workcamps, coordinating mid- and long-term voluntary projects in Poland and sending Polish young people to participate in analogous projects abroad. They are currently looking for volunteers for six projects.
Education, Rehabilitation and Welfare Centre ‘Helenów’ (Warsaw)
4 Volunteers
Take part in Hippotherapy Sessions or support activities in the Vocational and Boarding schools of a center for kids with disabilities.
Central Office of SPW (Warsaw)
2 Volunteers
Take care of the communication and graphic design of SPW by working in the central office of the NGO in Warsaw.
Municipal Kindergartens in Pułtusk
4 Volunteers
Help the teachers of the kindergartens numbers 4 and 5 of Pułtusk and teach your language to the children of this town.
Cultural Centre of Pomiechówek Commune
1 Volunteer
Organize activities, workshops, and language classes in the Culture Center of this little Mazovian town.
Public Library of Pomiechówek Commune
1 Volunteer
Volunteer in the Public Library while contributing to the bustling cultural life of Pomiechówek.
Municipal Library in Przasnysz
2 Volunteers
Take part in the activities organized by the Public Library of this town and share your interests with their residents.
How to apply: Check SPW's website for the projects' infopacks. You can contact esc@spw.ngo for more information.
Deadline: Volunteers are recruited until a suitable candidate is found.
WELT.RAUME Montessori School, Germany, February 2025 - February 2026
About the organisation: WELT.RÄUME children's house and Montessori school is a state-approved alternative school providing day-care for children from the age of 3, allowing them to explore a wealth of disciplines, ranging from geography and mathematics to regular movement practices. It is located in Hildesheim.
Tasks: Provide support for children to personalize their learning path by valuing each child's unique abilities and interests.
Volunteer profile: You are eager to interact with the children and open to exploring their favorite topics with them. No special educational qualifications are required.
How to apply: Send an email to esc-hi@ijgd.de to acquire more information about the application process.
You can find additional information about the open call in the pdf document attached below.
Deadline: ASAP
The Actors Space, Catalonia, March 2025 – September 2025
About the organisation: The Actors Space is an international eco-theater and film center nestled in a charming 16th-century farmhouse just outside the historic town of Vic, Catalonia.
Tasks: Contribute to a variety of eco-friendly and creative activities for example tending to organic gardens, learning agroforestry techniques, helping with water management, caring for chickens, being involved in eco-theater activities.
Volunteer profile: Aged 24–30 years old, strong communication abilities, a love for nature and creativity, a driver’s license is preferred
How to apply: Send your CV and a motivation letter to voluntariat@catalunyavoluntaria.cat
Deadline: 10.02.2025
Ijgd, Germany, March 2025 - March 2026
About the organisation: ijgd (Internationalen Jugendgemeinschaftsdienstenin) is a youth work organization based in Hannover and organizing international workcamps throughout Germany.
Tasks: Assist in organizing workcamps, support public relations promoting workcamps on social media, preparing promotional materials, and helping at outreach events and trade fairs; lead workcamps during the summer or autumn; provide administrative support.
Volunteer profile: Basic knowledge of German (A1) is helpful, but not required, enthusiasm for youth work, good communication skills, prior experience in international or voluntary work is a plus but not necessary.
How to apply: Send your CV and a motivation letter to esc-hi@ijgd.de
You can find additional information about the open call in the pdf document attached below.
Deadline: ASAP
ACT for Community, Romania, April 2025 - September 2026
About the organisation: The Association Communities for Youth (ACT)’s, based in Băilești, is currently seeking volunteers for its ACT for Community project, which aims to empower youth to take action and engage in promoting eco-friendly behaviors within schools.
Tasks: Organize and facilitate workshops based on non-formal education principles, such as handicrafts, role-playing games, and “learning by doing”. Empower students to become environmental advocates by providing them with the tools and knowledge to lead eco-conscious projects.
Volunteer profile: Basic level of English; a passion for working with youth; creative, responsible and motivated attitude.
How to apply: Send your CV (preferably in Europass format) and a motivation letter to officengo.act@gmail.com. If shortlisted, you will be contacted for an interview.
For further information about the project, download the pdf attached here:
Path's Museum, Catalan Pyrenees, 01.05.2025 - 30.09.2025
About the organisation: Balmes Blancs offers unique nature-based activities such as astronomical and geological explorations, kayaking, rafting, and hiking adventures.
Tasks: Help in restoring ancient mountain paths in Vall de Siarb, organizing worcamps with both national and international volunteers and running a cozy hostel in the tiny village of Llagunes.
Volunteer profile: Be open to being moved by a love for nature and excited about preserving and sharing the paths of the Pyrenees for future generations, making them an integral part of society's cultural heritage.
How to apply: Fill out this application form.
Deadline: 14th February 2025
For more details, you can download the project infosheet attached below.
- Infosheet ESC BB 25_.pdf656 KB
Wohnheim St. Martin, Austria, 01.05.2025 – 31.03.2026
About the organisation: Wohnheim St. Martin is a residential facility for approximately 25 adults with various disabilities, offering housing and supporting their (re)integration into society. The town is located along the Danube River and, while surrounded by the scenic Vienna Woods, the center of Vienna is just a 30-minute public transport ride away.
Tasks: Engage with residents during their leisure time, facilitating activities such as excursions, sports, shopping, etc; develop and lead your own project based on personal interests, such as arts, music, or other creative initiatives; assist staff and residents with daily routines and personal care.
Volunteer profile: As the project involves working with individuals with disabilities, an open-minded attitude is essential as well as a genuine interest in supporting people with special needs.
How to apply: Send your CV and a motivation letter to application@melange.wien with the name of the ESC project (host organization) in the subject line. Additionally, fill out the application form attached below.
Deadline: 16.02.2025
For more information about the project, you can read the pdf attached here:
Baseballschule Wien Team, Austria, 01.05.2025 - 31.03.2026
About the organisation: Baseballschule is a non-profit organization in Vienna that uses baseball as a tool to help children aged 4 to 16 develop important life skills.
Tasks: Assisting the coaches with daily activities and training sessions. Supporting various projects with schools, kindergartens, and social institutions. Your tasks will range from event logistics and setup to photography and social media support.
Volunteer profile: You are a motivated and energetic individual who loves working with kids. No prior experience is needed, just a positive attitude and a willingness to learn! While knowledge of German, English, or Spanish is a plus, it’s not a requirement.
How to apply: Send your CV and motivation letter to application@melange.wien stating the name of the ESC project (Baseballschule) in the subject of the email and fill in the application form attached below.
Deadline: 16.02.2025
For more information about the project, you can read the pdf attached here:
AWO Stuttgart, Germany, June 2025 – June 2026
About the organisation: AWO Stuttgart runs several intergenerational neighborhood centers (Stadtteilhäuser) and community centers (Begegnungszentren) that serve as hubs for social interaction, cultural activities, and day-to-day support for residents of all ages.
Tasks: Assist in planning, organizing, and running recreational, educational, and cultural activities. Perform administrative tasks, help with daily activities, including accompanying elderly people on walks, and running errands.
Volunteer profile: Basic understanding of German (A1), hold a valid driver’s license.
How to apply: Fill in the application form
You can find a more detailed description of these positions in the project's infopack
Note: If you are specifically interested in working with youth, consider applying for a volunteer position with Jugendwerk der AWO Württemberg. This local youth organization is seeking a volunteer from June 2025 to May 2026 (11 months).
The organization is involved in Erasmus+ and ESC projects, organizes summer holiday camps for kids and teens, and coordinates a community of local and international volunteers who organize various events.
The application deadline for this position is 24.02.2025, you can apply by filling in this form and read about the project details in the infopack attached below.
SALTES projects, Lithuania
- SOS Children's Village (Vilnius):
Be part of a Family Strengthening Program aimed at helping disadvantaged families and children at risk of separation. Assist with day-to-day activities at the Day Care Centre, where children can do homework, play, attend workshops, and receive emotional and psychological support. - Mamos Delne Kindergarten (Vilnius):
Engage with children aged 1-6 in a dynamic pre-school environment. Support teachers in creating activities, organizing events, and running workshops. - Patirčių Slėnis Outdoor Kindergarten (Trakai):
If you love the outdoors, this is the perfect opportunity for you! Help children aged 1-7 explore nature and participate in Waldorf-inspired, nature-based learning. - Primary School (Trakai):
Work with children aged 7-11 in a project-based learning environment. Assist with daily school routines, excursions, and creative activities. - Šviesa Day Center (Vilnius):
Make a difference by supporting adults with mental, intellectual, and complex disabilities. Help organize music, theater, sports, and art activities, and contribute to publishing a monthly newsletter. Participate in events, excursions, and social skill development programs. - Waldorf Open School (Vilnius):
Join a globally connected Waldorf school community to help children and young people develop creativity, confidence, and independence. Support teachers in creating programs and activities that blend traditional Lithuanian culture with Waldorf education principles.
How to Apply: Submit your CV and a motivational letter to egle.saltes@gmail.com. Be sure to mention the specific opportunity you’re interested in.
Application Deadline: January 9, 2025
Tanz Die Toleranz, Austria, 01.05.2025 – 31.03.2026
About the organisation: TANZ DIE TOLERANZ is an inspiring European Solidarity Corps project based in Vienna bringing people of all backgrounds together through the universal language of dance!
Tasks: Support dance rehearsals, capture moments through photos and videos, manage social media, provide office and logistics support
Other info (e.g. volunteer profile)
How to apply: To apply, candidates need to follow the Melange application procedure and submit their application documents. Applicants will only be considered in the selection process if they have indicated their sending supporting organization and submit the application form via e-mail to application@melange.wien in time.
Deadline: 12.01.2025
Youth for Equality, Slovakia
About the organisation: Youth for Equality is dedicated to creating positive change through education, human rights, and ecology. They help young people develop essential soft skills like teamwork, leadership, communication, and creativity through non-formal education methods like workshops, debates, and group projects. It is based in Trnava.
Tasks: Facilitate discussions, brainstorming sessions, and skill-building workshops at local schools; organize community project and events; help manage our social media, newsletters, and website; Collaborate with local organizations to support vulnerable groups; lead activities promoting sustainability and eco-awareness.
How to apply: Send your CV and motivation letter to info@youthforequality.sk
Grezenlos, Austria, 01.05.2025 - 31.10.2025
About the organisation: Grezenlos is an NGO based in Vienna that has been breaking barriers and building understanding across cultures for over 75 years.
Tasks: Volunteers have the chance to engage in both hands-on social activities and meaningful office work, tailoring tasks to match personal interests and strengths.
Volunteer profile: No prior experience or skills are required, just enthusiasm and a love for community work! Preference is given to young volunteer with disabilities .
How to apply: Send in your CV and fill in the application form in the website.
Deadline: 12.01.2025
Miten ESC-vapaaehtoispaikkoihin haetaan?
Kerro hakemuksessa, miksi haluat vapaaehtoiseksi juuri hakemaasi projektiin. Paikat täytetään sopivan vapaaehtoisen löydyttyä, joten kannattaa hakea mahdollisimman nopeasti. Paikkoihin haetaan yleensä Euroopan nuorisoportaalin kautta.
Voit halutessasi hakea useampaan paikkaan samalla kertaa. Nämä paikat ovat erinomaisia mahdollisuuksia päästä nopeasti tekemään mielekästä vapaaehtoistyötä esimerkiksi välivuoden ajaksi!
Jos haluat lisätietoa tai apua paikkojen haussa, ota meihin yhteyttä sähköpostitse hakemukset@alli.fi tai puhelimitse (myös WA) 044 4165209. Autamme mielellämme!