Ajankohtaisia EU-tuettuja vapaaehtoistiimejä
Haluaisitko tehdä vapaaehtoistyötä Suomessa tai muualla Euroopassa?
Järjestämme sekä Suomessa että muissa maissa Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen vapaaehtoistiimejä, joihin haemme osallistujia. Vapaaehtoistiimissä tehdään käytännön vapaaehtoistyötä ja paljon muuta yhdessä noin kymmenen muun vapaaehtoisen kanssa. Osallistuminen onkin hyvä tapa tutustua uusiin ihmisiin ja paikkoihin, oppia uusia taitoja sekä tietysti tehdä työtä hyvän asian puolesta!
Miten voin hakea? Hae mukaan ESC-vapaaehtoistiimeihin E-vet hakukoneen kautta, ohjeet löydät täältä.
Kuka voi hakea? Vapaaehtoistiimit on tarkoitettu 18-30 -vuotiaille. Rohkaisemme kaikenlaisista taustoista tulevia, Suomessa asuvia nuoria aikuisia hakemaan mukaan! Tiimeihin voi osallistua suomalaisia ja muita Suomessa jo asuvia nuoria aikuisia sekä myös myös muista EU-maista tulevia vapaaehtoisia.
Mitä maksaa? Vapaaehtoistiimit ovat Euroopan unionin tukemia, joten osallistujien matkakulut korvataan (välimatkataulukon mukaiseen maksimisummaan asti) , ohjelma, majoitus ja ruokailut järjestetään ja vapaaehtoiset saavat pientä taskurahaa. Osallistujalle itselleen ei siis tule juurikaan kuluja osallistumisesta.
Tulevia vapaaehtoistiimejä
Padova, Italy, 16.9. - 1.10.2024
Volunteering teams for Accessibility and Disability Inclusion in Padua
Progetto Giovani is looking for volunteers interested in the social field to explore the concept of disability and inclusion through different activities in the city of Padova. Volunteers will support the implementation of the office activities, e.g., linguistic workshops, by adapting them with an inclusive lens; map the accessibility of some of the most important cultural centres in the city and get to know and collaborate with local partner associations that work with people with disabilities.
Apply here: https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/placement/40584_en
Cévennes, France, 24.7. - 7.8.2024
SJ/ESC35 - Rebuild the camp
The REV association is looking for volunteer to work with them in transforming the colony into a living space. You
will help transform the site into a pleasant place where international volunteers, workcamp volunteers, visitors, locals and others can meet. As volunteer you'll be working with the REV team on landscaping and restoring part of the colony. More specifically, you'll be creating shade areas on the site, with constructions made of wood and branches. You'll also carry out minor masonry work where necessary.
Apply through E-vet, instructions are here.
Kysak, Slovakia, 10.8.2024 – 25.8.2024
ISL2405ESC - Be a volunteer at Kysak Castle
The Civil Association Rakociho cesta carries the idea of a touristic path that would connect places related to the history of the Rakoci’s family tree. The aim of the movement is to preserve and renovate historical monuments and traditions. They are looking for volunteers to help with the restoration of the ancient ruins of Kysak Castle, situated in eastern Slovakia. Although the castle is now in ruins, the town of Kysak is dedicated to preserving its cultural heritage by exploring the castle's underground foundations and engaging in archaeological research, renovation work, and area cleaning.
Apply through E-vet, instructions are here.
Slatinka, Slovakia, 19.7. – 3.8.2024
ISL2402ESC - ECO volunteers in a fairytale village
The Slatinka Association was established in 1993 as a reaction to the construction of the Slatinka water dam on the Slatina River. The association’s mission is to work at the basin of the Slatina River, to protect the environment and preserve natural areas while spreading consciousness of the project’s effects on nature. They are looking for volunteers to help with cleaning the area in Slatinka: cutting the grass, taking care of the trees. Part of the help will be mapping and cleaning of wells and springs and maintenance of the new memorial site on the site of the demolished birthplace of the writer Jan Beno.
Apply through E-vet, instructions are here.
More information about projects in Slovakia.
Bergheim, Germany, 28.7.-17.8.2024
IBG ESC1 - Camp Village Bergheim 2
Woanders e.V., a non-profit organization, fosters cross-generational interaction and contact among people from diverse backgrounds, aiming to reduce fear and promote tolerance and curiosity. Each summer, they organize a 1-month camping village, catering to different age groups. Volunteers will help with this camping village for over 2 weeks. They will assist in facilitating activities for children, teenagers, and young families near Cologne, engaging in workshops, sports, creative activities, and providing support for those with disabilities. Additionally, volunteers participate in logistical tasks and night duty, ensuring the safety and cohesion of the community.
Apply through E-vet, instructions are here.
Deuselbach, Germany, 22.09.-05.10.2024
IBG ESC2 - Restore Peatlands Morbach (RP)
This workcamp is a collaboration between IBG organisation and the regional "Foundation for Nature and Environment". With the focus on nature protection, volunteers will contribute to preserving peatlands in the Hunsrück area, crucial for climate protection and biodiversity. Volunteers will work with a Park Ranger to fix water problems and make the land healthier for plants and animals. Given the physically demanding nature of the task, volunteers should come prepared with suitable clothing and gears.
Apply through E-vet, instructions are here.
- Program IBG 2024.pdf877 KB
More information about projects in Germany.
Rustavi, Georgia, 2.-22.5.2024
Spring Joy in Georgia, muutama peruutuspaikka jäljellä!
Georgiassa järjestetään vapaaehtoistiimi, jonka tavoitteena on luoda kulttuurienvälisiä kohtaamisia suomalaisten vapaaehtoisten ja paikallisten lasten ja nuorten välille. Vapaaehtoiset pääsevät tutustumaan Georgian kulttuuriin, perinteisiin ja luomaan upeita muistoja yhdessä paikallisten nuorten kanssa!
Vapaaehtoisten tehtävänä on järjestää erilaisia non-formaaliin oppimiseen liittyviä aktiviteetteja paikallisille lapsille ja nuorille. Tämän lisäksi vapaaehtoiset pääsevät vierailemaan ja avustamaan paikallisia järjestöjä, järjestämään tapahtumia sekä edistämään EU: nuoriso-ohjelmien tietoisuutta paikallisten keskuudessa.
Lue lisää oheisesta infokirjeestä! Hae mukaan täyttämällä sivun lopussa oleva hakulomake 7.3.2024 mennessä.
"Spring Joy in Georgia" -vapaaehtoistiimin infopaketti
Kerkakutas, Hungary, 2. - 23.5.2024
Build a Rural Innovation HUB with us
Common Hourse community is looking for volunteers to support them in the development of our Rural Innovation HUB project with the aim of bringing closer the rural and urban lifestyles and create something that supports the shift needed for a truly sustainable society. Volunteers will mainly do the practical works such as gardening, constructing, community building, cooking, etc.
More information and application link below:
Italy, Poggio Catino, 30.4-15.5.2024
Refuge Renovation in Trio
The project takes place at il Trio Refuge with the aim of building an inclusive educational community where everyone has the opportunity to find the space to express himself, outside of any judgment, social or political. This camp will be one of the first held in this facility. Volunteers will work in il Trio Refuge helping with the renovation of the rooms inside the shelter.
The work days will be structured by including a part of manual work and redevelopment and maintenance of the space and area. In particular, the main body of work will be aimed at restoring the dormitories. This field requires a high sense of adaptation, the ability to disconnect from digital devices and the internet connection, the desire to disconnect from everyday life to connect with a life more in relationship with the people around you and nature.
Apply through E-vet, instructions are here.
Italy, Poggio Catino, 28.5-12.6.2024
Inclusive Educational Community in Trio
The project takes place at il Trio Refuge with the aim of building an inclusive educational community where everyone has the opportunity to find the space to express himself, outside of any judgment, social or political. This camp will be one of the first held in this facility.
Volunteers will help il Trio Refuge to prepare the external teaching room they used for summer camps activities. For 3 years, the Il Trio refuge has been an educational space that hosts summer camps for children. To increase the usability of this space, the association aims to set up an external teaching room suitable for children and families, aimed at increasing socialization with the mountain environment.
Apply through E-vet, instructions are here.
More information about the projects in Italy.
Belgium, Rixensart, "Fedasil Rixensart", 28.4.-11.5. 2024
The Rixensart Asylum Seekers Centre accommodates people or families who have asked for asylum in Belgium. Refugees come from Syria, Irak, Iran, Congo etc. Many of them fled from war or from countries that were under a dictatorship or devastated by an ecological disaster.
The volunteers will give a hand and a fresh air to the centre’s animation team. They will be required to get actively involved in the daily life of the centre. For the most of the time volunteers will propose and plan activities for children between 3 and 6 years old. According to the population currently present in the centre, activities can be propose also to teenagers, isolated women, … . Some example could be: creative and artistic workshops, board games, walking excursions, going to swimming pool, sports and games, movies, cultural visits, … To a lesser extent and depending on the weather forecast (2 afternoons/week in small group), volunteers will take part in gardening tasks. For example: pickings, planting of seasonal vegetables, storage and cleaning of the site. Recently the centre starts a vegetable garden project with and for the residents.
The volunteers are required to have basic knowledge of French.
Apply through E-vet, instructions are here.
France, Boissy le Cutté, "MEMORY AND HERITAGE" 29/04/2024-12/05/2024
In this workcamp, you'll be helping to renovate the wall of the cemetery in Boissy le Cutté. In small villages, the cemetery is an important place for people, a place of memory, a witness to the passing of time and the generations that have populated the surrounding villages. The perimeter wall of the Boissy le Cutté cemetery, which is several
centuries old, is beginning to crumble. To help preserve France's heritage, the history of its people and
its collective memory, you will be working to renovate part of the cemetery's perimeter wall
(cleaning and removing joints and damaged areas, rebuilding and applying mortar).
Apply through E-vet, instructions are here.
Lisätietoa Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukot -ohjelmasta löydät tästä linkistä.
Huom! ESC-vapaaehtoistiimit ovat kaikille 18-30 -vuotiaille avoimia ja niihin voivat osallistua myös jo EVS- tai ESC-ohjelmassa olleet. Voit myös osallistua useampaan vapaaehtoistiimiin, niin kotimaassa kuin ulkomaillakin.
Jos sinulla on kysyttävää hakulomakkeen täyttämiseen tai muuhun liittyen, olethan meihin yhteydessä. Saat meidät kiinni sähköpostitse (vaihto@alli.fi) tai puhelimitse (myös WA numerosta 044 416 5209.