Kesän kansainväliset vapaaehtoisleirit 16-17- vuotiaille!
Tarjoamme tulevana kesänä useita kiinnostavia nuorten vapaaehtoisleirejä. Oletko 16-17 vuotias nuori, tahdotko tavata muita nuoria ympäri Eurooppaa sekä tehdä jotakin merkityksellistä eri yhteisöille? Osallistu nuorten kesäleireihin ja koe unohtumattomia hetkiä muiden nuorten parissa! Alhaalta löydät muutamia poimintoja tarjonnasta, mutta leirejä löytyy paljon enemmän. Löydät koko tarjonnan E-vet hakukoneesta, jonka käyttöohjeet löydät alimpana tällä sivulla.
Nuorisoleireillä on käytössä osallistujamaksu ja matka leiripaikalle on omakustantainen.
ANEC14 France – COME CONTRIBUTE TO MARINGUE'S GREENWAY ! (17/07/23 -1/08/23)
The municipality of Maringue wishes to create shared gardens for its inhabitants along the river la Morgue! On this workcamp, the volunteers will have the opportunity to work on the landscaping along the river! The idea is to transform uncultivated plots of land into shared gardens: leveling, stairs, delimitation, construction of a tool shed, construction of nesting boxes and insect hotels, compost bin...
The volunteers will take part in construction and renewing work in the local vocational schools yard in Bretten. Work tasks will include gardening, preparing ground, designing colorful mosaic and more. During the project the international volunteers will work alongside local students!
IBOIT20TEEN Italy - Ridracoli FC 05.-15.07.2023
The volunteers will learn about global warming and the meaning of water to society, through a multitude of workshops, activities and by creating their own presentations and info-sheets on the topic. This camp is for those who have the urge to learn more and who enjoy time in nature and by water!
LUNAR TEEN 08 - Together in the Forest I (10/07/23-20/7/2023)
The volunteer will be based in Cascina Rapello, working together on a social, rural farm. They'll learn how to take care of vegetable gardens, structures and the four donkeys that live on the premises.
SJ/TRI71 France - Reporteri: Up to the Hilli (01/08-14/08)
Do you want to meet other young people from all around Europe and make short-films with them? In the middle of the Alsation Vosges, you'll have a unique opportunity to live communaly with other young people and help the village population, all while creating your unique films about the experience. Bring your creative vision!