Easter in Valencia

Easter in Valencia has come to an end, and the volunteer team has returned home from Spain! 🐣☀️ Here's what Venla and Manon have to say about their experience:

"We spent two weeks on the east coast of Spain, surrounded by orange trees, mountains, and colorful houses, in a small village called Sanet y Negrals.

Our tasks included renovating our accommodation, decorating the rooftop terrace, and making orange marmalade. During our free time, we had the chance to visit other cities, explore local attractions, swim in the sea, hike in the mountains, and learn about beekeeping.

We got to try many new things, immerse ourselves in the local culture, and enjoy the beauty of Spain." - Venla 🌷

“My experience in Spain was amazing and very enriching! I met a lot of wonderful people and shared a lot of beautiful moments with them. I also learned new stuff and acquired new skills in painting for instance. We took part in the renovation of the volunteer's house and doing it all together was nice! We also visited the surroundings and the oceanographic of Valencia.

I keep in mind wonderful memories and I'm already looking forward to a new workcamp experience, maybe in Finland.” - Manon from France ✨

In Finnish: 

Easter in Valencia on tullut päätökseen ja vapaaehtoistiimi on kotiutunut Espanjasta!🐣☀️ Näin Venla kertovat kokemuksestaan:

“Vietimme kaksi viikkoa Espanjan itärannikolla appelsiinipuiden, vuorten ja värikkäiden talojen keskellä, pienessä kylässä nimeltä Sanet y Negrals.

TyÜtehtäviimme kuului mm. asuintalomme remontoimista, kattoterassin sisustusta, sekä appelsiinihillon valmistusta. Vapaa-ajalla pääsimme vierailemaan muissa kaupungeissa, katselemaan paikallisia nähtävyyksiä, uimaan meressä, kiipeämään vuorille, ja tutustumaan mehiläishoitoon.

Saimme kokeilla paljon uusia asioita, tutustua paikalliseen kulttuuriin ja nauttia Espanjan kauneudesta.” - Venla 🌷