Current ESC volunteer teams in other countries
"Easter in Valencia" volunteer team in Spain, 1.-14.4.2022

This volunteering team is organized in collaboration with De Amicitia from Spain and Allianssi Youth Exchanges in Finland. The volunteers will stay in Sanet y Negrals, a small village near Alicante and Valencia. The main tasks include renovating a local volunteer house "Casa Jazmín" and making products, like marmalade, from local ingredients. As this volunteering team is organized during Easter, the volunteers will get familiar with different Easter traditions.
will be in the volunteers’ house called “Casa Jazmin”. It has three big rooms with bunk beds in each. There are also 3 separate bathrooms and another room with 2 more shower facilities in the house. There is a kitchen and a common room for the volunteers. Accommodation itself provides basic conditions and the quality of it depend also on cleanliness and contribution of all participants. The food will be organized by teams with the products provided by the leaders. Each day one team will be in charge of cooking and the other team will be cleaning. There is limited access to WIFI, so be ready to be offline.
The volunteer team is open for all EU citizens who are 18-30 years old. For people, who like to be creative, like art work, nature, walking and outdoors, this is a perfect project!
Apply by filling in the form below by asap!
More information on the project available in the info sheet below.
The application deadline for Easter in Valencia has passed and the chosen applicants have left for the project.