Connecting European Suburbs through Smart Youth Work
HOTSPOTS was a Cooperation Partnership in the field of youth, 26 months long, supported by the Erasmus + Programme, Italian National Agency and involving partners from Italy, Finland, France, Portugal, Romania and Spain. Partner organisations are Agora Aveiro, Infinitivity Design Lab, Nexes, Universitur, Lunaria, and Allianssi Youth Exchanges.

HOTSPOTS was funded by the Erasmus+ and it run between 2022 and 2024.
The project aims to develop non formal education tools and methods, within a newly designed pedagogical approach, to enhance intercultural learning among young people, both online and offline, in national and transnational Youth Participation Activities, within the E+ program.
- to connect young people from different suburbs within the same city and also at European level thought on line activities and mobility in presence where they can meet and exchange
- to empower young people to better understand intercultural learning processes and dynamics through the use of non formal education activities, digital and in presence
- to engage young people in the promotion of cultural differences, of open minded approaches among peers and in the creation of new initiatives to bring on board other youth of the same age.
Project results
The HOTSPOTS project has three project results: two publications and one board game.
The first publication, Toolkit for Diagnostic and Tools Sharing, focuses on the results of field research and presents already existing tools for intercultural learning. You can find the toolkit here.
The second publication, Handbook for a Smart Youth Work, is a handbook that compiles the workshop methods developed and tested during the project into one volume. You can find the handbook here.
The purpose of the HOTSPOTS blended learning board game is to provide a concrete tool for addressing intercultural learning in youth work. You can find the board game here and download the game board here.