Why do we need SOUPorters?
SOUPorters are the people that participate in the event and help to keep the project alive by donating between 5 and 10 EUR that we suggest in order to contribute to the community. Withouth these people, we can't raise any money for the winning project and we can't actually keep International SOUP going on.
The money that SOUPorters donate are not for the soup or for Allianssi Youth Exchanges, but for the project that will win at the end of each event. We will give the winner as much money as we gathered through the donations. If you wish to donate more, then you are more than welcome to do so, because it will help the pitcher who win to accomplish their goals faster.
SOUPorters keep the event alive and we want to thank everybody who decided that International SOUP is a valuable initiative in our community and they want to be part of this amazing journey called SOUP!

What is happening with the money?
We, Allianssi Youth Exchanges, the organization who coordinates the event, will not take any money from what has been gathered from the SOUPorters. We only keep the money for a short period of time and after announcing the winner, we give them what has been donated in order to use it for the project.
We are also not responsible for what is happening with the money after we give it to the winner. Whoever takes it, will be responsible for using it in the best way possible for making their project become alive and running! We encourage the previous winners of the event to come and share their progress and give updates to the crowd. The ones who keep track of what has happened in the community with the money raised will be the SOUPorters, the crowd that donated and contributed! So, to keep the fair spirit, we believe that everybody who wins, will actually use the money for their projects.
After each event, we will keep everybody updated with the amount of money that has been raised, so that you can all see that your contribution has actually made an impact and your money was well spent!