Mindfulness - A Full Mind -nuorisovaihto Unkarissa 11.-19.8.2021

Travel report
Read Hikari’s amazing experience in Hungary
We were learning what is mindfulness and how we behave for our well-being, mind, body, and so on. In each workshop, we had group works and discussed topics with others, and shared our ideas with everyone. Before breakfast, we had time to do voluntary morning activity so we made plans of what activity we would do next morning and did running, breathing methods, singing meditation with other participants.
I learned a lot of things from this youth exchange, especially, the way of how to manage stress was quite interesting for me because after leaving Japan last January, I felt stress many times, so it was nice to know how to get rid of stress, not being stressed out! And I learned we need to make time for our wellness and think about ourselves deeply.
Moments of sharing…
It was quite interesting for me. All of us had a different way of thinking, culture, background, languages which are very special and stimulated me because in Japan most people are Japanese who speak only Japanese and have the same stereotype, culture. And it was nice we could communicate each other using English even one of us were English native, but we were very connected, and we shared love, and I tried to exchange cultures, language through talking as much as possible with other people when I had free time.

...Create real friendships
The most worth things I brought back home are the great international friends, the relationship with nice people. Keeping in touch with them will last our relationship forever and make a more colorful life. And knowledge about mindfulness to make our life happier.

Gaining confidence and skills
At some point, it was a bit hard for me because I thought my English is not enough and I couldn’t speak with anyone in my mother tongue, but we were trying to understand help each other so my difficulty was getting disappeared gradually.
I’d like to continue my international path as wide as possible. Always I’d like to try new things, new places, new opportunities, new experiences as much as possible until I feel enough. I am not sure how I can continue yet, but I want to find a way to work in the international environment.