Ready for Life - lyhyt harjoittelu Euroopassa
Oletko valmistunut ammatillisesta koulutuksesta ja haluat kokemusta kansainvälisessä työympäristössä toimimisesta? Haluaisitko harjoitella englannin kielellä toimimista?
Hae mukaan lyhytkestoiseen Ready for Life -harjoitteluun kesällä 2023. Pääset tekemään käytännön työtä ja asumaan yhdessä eri maista tulevien nuorten aikuisten kanssa, mikä mahdollistaa kulttuurienvälisten taitojen ja kielitaidon kehittämistä samalla kun toimitaan paikallisyhteisön hyväksi tehtävässä hankkeessa käytännön töiden parissa. Hankkeita on eri aloilla, esimerkiksi ympäristön ja kulttuurin parissa ja painopiste on kansainvälisen kokemuksen saamisessa kaikille sopivien työtehtävien avulla.
18-35-vuotiaille kaikilta aloilta toisen asteen ammatillisesta koulutuksesta vuoden sisällä valmistuneille. Koulutuksesi voi olla perus-, ammatti- tai erikoisammattitutkinto, eikä ole väliä valmistutko oppilaitoksesta, näyttötutkinnolla vai oppisopimuskoulutuksesta.
Lyhyelle liikkuvuusjaksolle osallistuminen on erinomainen tilaisuus sinulle, joka haluat lisätä työelämävalmiuksisasi kansainvälisen kokemuksen avulla, mutta kynnys ulkomaan harjoitteluun pidemmäksi aikaa lähtemiseen tuntuu korkealta.
Noin kahden viikon mittaisen Erasmus+ -rahoitteisen lyhytjakson tavoitteena on lisätä osallistujien valmiuksia kansainvälisessä työympäristössä toimimiseen.
Erasmus+ -tuki kattaa matka-apurahan, perustasoisen jaetun majoituksen ja ruokailut, Allianssin nuorisovaihdon tukipalvelut sekä lähtijävalmennuksen. Sinulle jäävät huolehdittavaksi matkavakuutus sekä mahdollisesti matka-apurahan summan ylittävät matkakulut.
Jakson aikana opit mm.
- työskentelemään monikulttuurisessa ympäristössä vieraalla kielellä
- jakamaan osaamistasi kansainvälisesti
- valmistautumaan työskentelyyn eri kulttuurissa
- toimimaan vastuullisena ja yhdenvertaisena kansainvälisen työyhteisen jäsenenä ja
- jakamaan ja hyödyntämään oppimaasi työelämässä
Lue lisää kohteista alta ja täytä hakulomake täällä mahdollisimman pian.
Porta Coeli Monastery, 26/6 - 8/7/2023, Předlkáštěří, Czech Republic
Project code: SDA200
WORK: Help restore a 13th-century monastery in Předlkáštěří! Porta Coeli is a very unique cistercian convent with a portal reminiscent of French cathedrals. It even has its own brewery. Learn about Bohemian and Moravian history and culture and visit the city of Brno! On this camp the volunteers will support organic farming and a meaningful life on the countryside by restoration of the old orchards of the monastery and projects aimed at environmental education.
Koordinoimaan vapaaehtoisleirejä ENGLANTIIN
- Green & Away takedown and festival 25/07 - 15/08, Bransford, UK
- Woodcraft Folk VFest, 01/08 - 21/08 The Burrow, UK
- Wild Futures Monkey Sanctuary 01/08 - 16/08 Lo, UK
- Brighton Rocks 07/08 - 13/08 Brighton, UK
- You will need to lead, inspire, and support a team of international volunteers.
- Ensure programme content is delivered and understood by the group, acting as a facilitator for your team’s volunteering project.
- Lead by example and get involved in leisure and volunteering activities, keeping the team always motivated.
- Liaising with the work supervisors/hosts, keeping the group informed on work schedules/plans, etc. and giving adequate feedback to both the group and to the hosts when necessary.
- Contacting the project host and researching information on the local area before the project starts.
- Providing reflection sessions for volunteers to share their learning and experience and dealing with any problems arising sensitively and to the best of their abilities.
- Living on site and being available to give help and advice 24 hours a day.
- Possibly working alongside a second co-ordinator, promoting a good group dynamic through sharing tasks and decision making.
- Facilitate the team’s control of food budget and oversee/instruct food preparation (when applicable)
- Organising the domestics - helping the volunteers organise themselves with respect to shopping, cooking, and cleaning.
- Helping volunteers organise the social/free-time activities and excursions.
Earthquake Solidarity Camps, Turkiye
SoliFest 11/06 - 26/06 Mersin (project code: GSM-B04)
Local festival promoting the use of solar energy.
You will be able to support the work done at Soli Festival. Concerts at this festival, electricity from solar energy with outdoor activities and workshops for individuals of all ages such as awareness raising and capacity building activities on energy production and similar issues. Many activities are available. If you have the knowledge and experience, this festival will focus on solar energy. You can also organize workshops. The preparation, organization and daily life of this three-day festival. You will be able to participate in the works and participate in the festival.
Kids and Art I 02/07 - 15/07 Mezitli, Mersin (project code: GSM-B01)
On the way of science and art, hopeful children!
Various art activities will be organized in order to reduce the trauma of children who came from the earthquake region and experienced the earthquake in Mezitli and to heal their anxiety disorders through art. With the collaboration of artists from various regions of Turkey and you, our esteemed volunteers, workshops such as painting, music and creative drama will be organized, and activities such as social clowning and magic will be carried out. . In addition, you will be able to support all kinds of work, such as a soup kitchen for earthquake victims, humanitarian aid materials, if needed.
Kids and Art II 16/07 - 29/07 Mezitli, Mersin (project code: GSM-B02)
On the way of science and art, hopeful children!
Various art activities will be organized in order to reduce the trauma of children who came from the earthquake region and experienced the earthquake in Mezitli and to heal their anxiety disorders through art. With the collaboration of artists from various regions of Turkey and you, our esteemed volunteers, workshops such as painting, music and creative drama will be organized, and activities such as social clowning and magic will be carried out. . In addition, you will be able to support all kinds of work, such as a soup kitchen for earthquake victims, humanitarian aid materials, if needed.
A Long Narrow Road 23/06 - 21/07 Dikmen, Ankara (project code: GSM-A03)
We are on a long narrown road with the earthquake victim adults and children.
Aşık Veysel Cultural Association opened the student dormitory located in
the center of Ankara to the earthquake victims. In this dormitory, earthquake victims' families and their children live. Volunteers will work in many areas such as cooking for earthquake victims, food distribution,environmental cleaning, public health and hygiene, organization, organization and distribution of humanitarian aid materials, transportation and transportation, psycho-social support for children and gamified activities.
HOUSE OF SOLIDARITY 2023 15/07/ -23/07/2023 PECS, HUNGARY
Project code: EGY-23-03
WORK :Work together with local kids with fewer opportunities to create and learn together about and from each other. The main activity will be holding creating workshops and doing renovation work in the local community centre. Volunteers will have a chance to understand the civil sector in Hungary and the social reality of people living in poverty, not only as spectators but as active participants working towards social change. The program will consist of team-building activities, creative and multicultural workshops delivered to and by the volunteers with local young people, interactive programs to get to know the area together and some renovation work on a community house. Campfire, common music and board games are indispensable to the program.
CAMP VILLAGE BERGHEIM 1 21/06 -15/07/2023, Bergheim, Germany
Project code: IBG 06
WORK : Come and volunteer in a summer village for different (age) groups Over 3 weeks of various activities await you while you assist in a summer camp for children and young people with or without mental disabilities near Cologne. Your job then will be to work together with the local team and provide different types of activities and workshops for the participants. The children should be able to try out different types of sport, creative (group) activities, do arts and crafting or simply chill or play games. In the first two weeks the program caters for children aged 7 to 12. In the next week the participants are children and young people with or without mental disabilities. The young people might be older (up to 18), but the developmental age is up to 12. For this week the team is also supported by professionals from an NGO working with people with disabilities and integration assistants.