
Allianssi Youth Exchanges and Salpaus Further Education Institute were the Finnish partners in a very interesting European strategic partnership project on using non-formal methods to prevent early school leaving in vocational education.

The aim of the Clue 2 INCLUSION project was to analyse the potential of non-formal  learning methods in VET schools, in order to prevent early school leaving. The target group was upper secondary (VET) students at risk of early school leaving, most of them in the age group of 16-21 years.


We produced three Intellectual Outputs:

  1. Scoping paper on the potential of NFL to prevent early school leaving at VET schools, proposing one or more models for how to put this in practice.
  2. Reseach paper and article on the potential of NFL to prevent early school leaving, based on desktop research and interviews.
  3. Effect measurement NFL tool to support the learning outcomes, improving the implementation of NFL in a FL environment, especially linked to the needs of our target group and their organizations/VET schools.

Target group

The target group was upper secondary (VET) students at risk of early school leaving, most of them in the age group of 16-21 years.


Coordinating organization: Hordaland fylkeskommune (Hordaland County Council), Norway


1. Stichting Bloom (with associated schools), The Netherlands

2. Ajuntament de Silla, Spain

3. AC Amics de la Biblioteca de la Fonteta, Spain

4. Hordaland Fylkeskommune, Norway

5. Årstad videregående skole, Norway

6. Allianssin nuorisovaihto, Finland

7. Koulutuskeskus Salpaus, Finland

8. Nordlandsforsking AS, Norge

Duration and funding

This project was funded by Erasmus+. Project dates: 1.9.2018-30.11.2019.